The Glorious Mysteries
Said on Sunday & Wednesday
The Glorious Mysteries: Recounts the glories Jesus shared with Mary, which includes His glorious Resurrection and Ascension into heaven
1. Resurrection of Jesus
Fruit: Faith
When Peter arrived he entered the tomb. There he saw that the linens that Jesus' was wrapped in were on the floor but that the cloth that had covered Jesus' face was folded neatly and placed somewhere separate from the other linens. At that moment both Peter and John believed that Jesus had risen as He said He would
2. Ascension of Jesus
Fruit: Hope
As Jesus was blessing them, He went up into a cloud and vanished from their sight. Suddenly two angels were in their midst and asked them, "Ye men of Galilee, why stand you looking up to heaven? This Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, as you have seen him going into heaven"
3. Descent of the Holy Spirit-Pentecost
Fruit: Love
Suddenly a mighty wind came up and blew into the room. Then above each of the apostles heads and that of Mary appeared a tongue of fire. "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit"
4. Assumption of Mary
Fruit: Grace of a happy death
Mary was conceived without sin and Jesus would not allow her body to decay. The devil had no power over her. Jesus took her, body and soul up to Heaven where He had a place prepared for her
5. Coronation of Mary
Fruit: Trust in Mary's intercession
Mary received the promised "never fading crown of glory" because her life so perfectly resembled that of her Son's and because she shared in all His sufferings. As a reward for her holiness and perfection of virtues, Jesus gave her dominion over the Angels and the Saints by crowning her Queen of heaven and earth