The Sorrowful Mysteries
Said on Tuesday & Friday
The Sorrowful Mysteries: Commemorates the sorrows of Jesus and Mary, His passion and death on the cross.
1. Agony in the Garden
Fruit: Sorrow for sin
Jesus fell upon his face in an agony being overwhelmed by what He knew He must suffer the next day in atonement for the sins of mankind. He prayed to God, "My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me. Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
2. Scourging at the Pillar
Fruit: Purity
Jesus was stripped of His clothes and tied to a stone pillar. He was surrounded by a blood thirsty mob who were shouting and encouraging the cruel Roman soldiers as they lashed His divine flesh with leather whips tipped with sharp stones. Blood flowed forth as His flesh was torn...
3. Crowning with Thorns
Fruit: Moral Courage
As if it wasn't bad enough having Jesus scourged, the cruel soldiers mocked Him and crowned Him with thorns. They clothed Him in a scarlet robe, the color of royalty. Then they pressed upon Jesus a thorn crown. They placed a reed into His right hand...
4. Carrying of the Cross
Fruit: Patience
After Jesus was mocked and crowned with thorns, He was stripped of the purple robe and dressed in His own clothing. This caused such torment for the wounds from the scourging were reopened and pained Jesus anew. Jesus was then forced to carry His own cross to Calvary...
5. Crucifixion of Jesus
Fruit: Perseverance
When Jesus looked down from the cross upon His sorrowing mother, He said to her, "Woman, behold thy son." Then looking at John, Jesus said, "Behold thy mother." Jesus was not only asking John to care for Mary, which he did, but Jesus was also giving Mary to be the mother of all...