Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Today’s solemnity is transferred from Friday 28th so that more people can participate in the actual celebration of these two pillars of the Church, Peter and Paul. What I find interesting and challenging is that both of these men were far from ideal disciples of Jesus. However, it is on these two that Jesus chose to build his Church. In the Gospel today, we see how Jesus sees the positive in Peter and builds on by naming him a Rock and telling him that he is destined to be the means through which others will come to know the Lord and experience his love.
In the Second Reading, Paul tells us that God stood by him and “… gave him power so that the whole message might be proclaimed…” Here was a man who persecuted the early followers of the Way of Jesus and who even consented to the death of the first martyr, St. Stephen. Yet on his way to do more damage, Jesus tells him he has chosen him to spread the Good News as well. So, these two men, in spite of their weakness, were chosen by God to bear witness to the faith. God chooses us too and calls us through our Baptism to build his Church.
Today we are being invited to hear Jesus saying to those of us who like Peter say, “You are the Christ the Son of the Living God,”
“You are… and on you… too, I will build my Church.”
Clement Paul
Parish Priest