Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We begin yet another liturgical year together with words of Jesus in today’s Gospel of Matthew, “You too must stand ready...”, challenging us to be prepared to receive The Word that lives among us.” That Word is Jesus.
Advent is the season that reminds us that we have a God who comes to us and that coming was made visible in Jesus that very first Christmas. The Gospel of John puts it beautifully. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.”
We invite you to prepare to celebrate the advent of the Word especially at Christmas time. The theme for this year in our Diocese is “THE WORD OF GOD LIVES AMONG US.”
As you prepare for Christmas, we encourage you to take time to pray and time for Bible reading of the Word of God. This is a good time to have family prayer and quiet time together. Please do not be so busy preparing for the Season and enjoying the Season, that you do not hear the Word of the Lord who lives among us.
Remember Advent heralds the Coming of Jesus in Christmas, therefore, you too must stand ready through prayer and family time with Jesus.
Fr. Clement Paul & Fr. Andy Nyga
Co Delegates.