Dear Sisters and Brothers,
As the Christmas Season climaxes into the New Year 2020, we do so by celebrating the end of a decade and the commencement of a new one. In addition, today, the first Sunday after Christmas is celebrated as the Sunday of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Roman Catholic Churches.
Holy Family Sunday, calls on us to model our family on that of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In fact, with the present indiscipline in our schools, communities and families we will do well to focus on our families in order to contribute to rebuilding our once peaceful homeland, Barbados.
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is given to us so that we can strive to replicate it or better still share in its virtues. We read in John 3:16 that when God chose to show how much he loves us, he sent his Son, Jesus, into our world ... That Son came in and through a family. That coming is graphically expressed in Luke’s Gospel, chapter 2. While the shepherds were keeping watch, they were told by an angel that “A Saviour has been born to you...” When they went in search of the Saviour, Luke says “So they, (the shepherds) hurried and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger...” They hurried to find the Saviour and, in fact, found a family, the Holy Family.
Today let’s us see Jesus in our family and pray that he makes our family a holy family too.
May God bless you and your family and our “WE GATHERING”.
Fr. Clement Paul. Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest. Parish Deacon.