Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The Season of Lent is here once more. Every first Sunday of Lent the Gospel introduces the Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness/desert. But why is this significant to the Lenten season? Because in the desert Jesus, as a human being, begins the struggle with evil so that he can defeat it by relying and feeding on “every word that comes from the mouth of God.” He also experienced temptation so that he would freely opt to rely on God’s faithful love without testing him. Further, he was tempted so that nothing can move him from worshipping God and God alone. The desert experience was not just his being in a deserted space but in his humanity experiencing and encountering the dryness, hunger, thirst, pain and insecurity that characterizes the human being from time to time.
Yes, the desert is a real human experience where disciples of the Lord encounter the temptation to be disobedient to the word of God. Each year as we begin our Lenten journey to experience the victories of Easter, we are called on to allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit. There, we too will be tempted. There too, we will experience being alone, we will experience being hungry for sustenance, we will be tempted to try to see if God really cares, if He really loves us. And we will be tempted to make the possessions and powers of the world our god and so worship them. But if we live on The Word God, we will be able to resist the temptations that come our way and angels will come and minister to us.
So, let’s face our desert experience during these forty days of Lent 2020, overcoming our temptations with every word that comes from the mouth of God. Let’s do so, praying at all times.
Fr. Clement Paul. Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest. Parish Deacon.