Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“Go and do the same yourself.” Jesus said this to a lawyer who set out to embarrass him. He, Jesus told the story of what is called the Good Samaritan, to the lawyer who asked him “And who is my neighbour?”
After the story, he brings the lawyer to understand that a neighbour is anyone who encounters distress and needs the kind of help that calls for empathy. He then challenges the lawyer to be the kind of neighbour that reaches out to others, especially those who are alienated.
When we were baptized, it was so that we could enjoy the intimacy of being children of God. But that must stop there. It must challenge us to go and be neighbourly – to be Good Samaritan Catholics. As we prepare to observe the month of October as Extraordinary Mission Month, let us heed the theme given to us by Pope Francis, Baptized and Sent. Let us recommit and be Good Samaritan Catholics by obeying the challenge of Jesus, “Go and do the same yourself. “
Children's Vacation Pledge
I will pray and read, and do a good deed everyday.
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.