Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“...if he listens to you, you have won back your brother.” And that should always be the object of correction – to get the other person to right the wrong they have been doing or did. So when we tell others about their bad ways or their mistakes, it must be to help that person to change for the better.
The Gospel for today has Jesus telling his disciples that when they see another person doing what is wrong, they are to do all they could to get him to change and if he refuses, they are not to give up on the person. That’s what Jesus meant when he said “...if he refuses to listen to these, treat him like a pagan or a tax collector.” In other words, if he refuses to respond positively after all your efforts, still don’t give up on him. That is a most difficult challenge. Therefore, we need to pray for the grace to use every possible means at our disposal to win each other for the kingdom.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon