Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Today’s message from all three Bible passages is straightforward. We are to forgive each other for wrongs we do to each other. The problem is not that we are unwilling to forgive. Rather, it is that there is a limit to our forgiveness. But Jesus tells us, when he responded to Peter’s question “How often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me?” that there is to be no limit to the times we are to forgive the wrongs that others do to us.
Jesus himself was aware of the impracticality of the challenge so he then reasons, if you love those who love you, are you doing anything Christian? Are you?
So we need to pray for the grace to be able to forgive others and at all times, because we are always forgiven by God who we constantly wrong by our disobedience.
May we learn to be forgivers so that we could be forgiven by God.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon