Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“Why be envious because I am generous?” And how generous is our God. Generous to the point of granting us the fullness of His love no matter at what time of our lives we respond to His call to enter into His vineyard and work for our salvation.
The parable is not about the workers or even about wages. It is about God himself. It’s about our God whose ways are not like ours. We see people according to what they can do. God sees us for who we are. People made in His own image and likeness. The God in today’s parable is the God who wants us all to inherit the kingdom. However, He cannot force us to take what He offers so He keeps looking out for all, even the indifferent, and He invites us to work in His creation .
So generous is this God of ours that He chooses to give the same wage to those who worked all their lives. What a generous God we serve!
May we be faithful recipients of the generosity of God.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon