Dear Brothers & Sisters,
The word “believe” is used twice by Jesus in the Gospel today. Jesus tells the story of a man who invited his two sons to work for him in his vineyard. One says ‘no’, thought better of it and then goes; the other says ‘yes’ but doesn’t go.
Jesus then challenges the Scribes and Pharisees, who said yes to work in God’s vineyard but don’t, to also think better and believe. Believe who? Believe in God through listening to those whom God has sent to show them the way.
That same challenge is being given to us.
We who have said ‘yes’ to God are are being asked to think better and believe so that we will do His will.
Whenever we find ourselves not doing God’s will, let us think better of it, believe, and earn entry into the kingdom.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon