Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“Very well, give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar – and to God what belongs to God.”
This is a simple and yet very profound text. The whole Gospel passage gives us an insight as to how Jesus dealt with his opponents and tells us at the same time how we could address those who are set on confronting us through malice. Notice he sternly lets them know in no uncertain terms that he was aware of their cunning. But he addresses their question in such a way that he puts the ball back in their own court. We need to pray for the grace to respond to our aggressors in a likewise manner.
Next, he did answer their question with a deep, obvious and profound response. “Very well then, give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” And what belongs to Caesar? His coinage. And what is God’s? Everything belongs to God. Even Caesar belongs to God. So God is not robbed if Caesar’s taxes are paid. Let us therefore, give the Caesars in our lives what belongs to them and to God what belongs to Him.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon