Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Advent announces that Christmas is near. This feast we are told is perhaps the most popular of all Christian festivals. Many, if not the majority, of the world’s population are in some way touched by Christmas. This in itself is a fulfilment of the Gospel of today that quotes the prophet Isaiah, “All mankind shall see the salvation of God.” Yes, the good news in a world that is inundated with tragic news is for all people, not just for religious persons. The good news this and every Advent and Christmas is that our God is a God who came, a God who comes and a God who will come. And Christmas is the birthday of God becoming human so that we his people will become divine. The two liturgical celebrations, of Advent and Christmas are intertwined and constitute a whole. God who came in the person of Jesus that first Christmas continues to come every Christmas, indeed every moment of our lives.
We then are to celebrate this God-who-comes not among ourselves but among all mankind. Yes, the joys of Advent and Christmas are for everyone. We are not just to share the news verbally, but to be the good news. We are to do so beginning with the poor. Why begin there? Because that is where the “Coming God” began. Also, the poor do not have what is necessary to face the challenging world and not be negatively affected by it. Hence the theme that the priests of our Diocese has chosen is for the coming year: “Be Good News to the Poor.”
Please commit to being good news to the poor and to contributing to all mankind seeing the salvation of God.
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.