Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“...for the Son of Man has come to seek out and save what was lost.”
This well-known narrative follows up on last week’s parable when we encountered a Tax Collector who, because of his humility, was put at rights with God. Today we meet a real Tax Collector who, though a notorious wealthy man, was anxious to see Jesus. This anxiety moved him to elevate himself above the obstacles that hindered his encounter. As a result, Jesus who came to save the world acknowledges Zachaeus’ efforts and invites himself to stay at his house.
Message: Jesus, came not for the righteous but for those who have lost their way to the loving embrace of the Father. He comes to seek us out. That search moved him to look up and see a man faith, a son of Abraham. Finding him, he invites himself to stay with him. That is what we have been baptized and sent to do. To seek out what is lost, so Jesus the Good Shepherd can save the many. Yes, indeed, he came and he comes to seek out and save what was lost.
May God bless you.
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest