Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“... to him (God) all are in fact alive...” This text comes as the liturgical years comes to an end. We are being reminded by Jesus that “... to God all are alive,” and so death is not the end of life, but a change of life. Why? Because God is Lord of all that there is and he is life itself.
We continue to mourn as our loved ones die. And mourn we must. While we do so, let’s remember that, in death life is changed, not ended, and that the life that is promised far surpasses the life that we experience here and now.
The things and relationships that influence and rule us here are for this life. The life to come is one in which we shall become like our God, because we shall see him as he really is. What we are being challenged to accept is that we serve a God who is life itself and who brought us to life so that one day life for ever will be ours. Yes, to God, all are in fact alive. That means our loved ones who have died are alive to God. May they Rest In Peace.
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.