Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We are fast approaching the end of yet another liturgical year. As we do so the Church points us to what is known as the end-time. That time we are told, brings with it various challenges and tragedies. However, today’s Gospel of Luke tells us that whatever may lie ahead, our endurance, our perseverance, will merit us victory and eternal life.
This is the time for us to take hope. We are not to give up struggling for the life to the full promised us in the Gospel of John 10:10. “I(Jesus), have come that you may have life, and have it to the fullest.” Yes, when we encounter daunting challenges we are to pray for the gift of hope so that we do not give up the battle. And let’s remember that hope is the confident expectation of the fulfillment of God’s Word.
Pope Francis also calls on us to reach out in solidarity with the poor and pray God’s special blessing on them today. Let us pray that we become both a Church for the poor and of the poor. Let’s not just reach out to the poor but so relate to them that they too know and feel they are members of the Body of Christ, the Church. That too, calls for endurance...
May our endurance, our perseverance win us our lives.
Yours truly,
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.