Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Today, the Third Sunday of Advent, we are invited to rejoice that the season of Christmas draws near. This Sunday was traditionally called Gaudete Sunday because the New Testament reading for Mass began with the words, “Rejoice in the Lord always...”
Yes, Christmas is already in the air. That calls for rejoicing.
But there are those who will ask ‘...and what is there to rejoice about? There are those who are suffering, bereaved and depressed.’ To them, the Gospel for today proclaims the promise of Jesus, “Blessed are you who have not lost faith in me.” Yes, this may not be a joyful time for some, but it could be a faithful time for all, and especially for all those who in spite of their pain, suffering and/or grief do not lose faith in Jesus. To them he says “Blessed are you who do not lose faith in me.” So, keep the faith no matter the circumstances. You are indeed blessed.
May our faith in Jesus, the Word of God made flesh be deepened as we rejoice in our God who lives among us in Jesus, the Word-made-flesh.
Fr. Clement Paul. Revd. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest. Parish Deacon.