Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The Fourth Sunday of Easter is each year designated as Good Shepherd Sunday and Vocations Sunday. The gospel each year is about the Good Shepherd and his sheep and so every year we thank Jesus for shepherding us and calling others to shepherd his Sheep. On that Sunday, we thank Jesus our Good Shepherd for calling us one by one to follow him. We also say thanks to all who, hearing the call of the Good Shepherd, say yes to being priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers and members of the Consecrated life like Living Water.
Our Good Shepherd is the risen Jesus who calls each of us, one by one and who leads us out one by one. What that is saying, is that that Shepherd knows every single one of us. We are so special, that in the Gospel of Luke we hear him saying “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go in search of the lost one until he finds it? And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and upon arrival home he calls his neighbors and says to them, “Rejoice with me, I have found the sheep I have lost.” The answer to Jesus’ question is only Jesus the Good Shepherd would leave ninety-nine and go in search of a lost one until he finds it.
May those of us who are lost, listen to his call and follow where he leads us. May the Good Shepherd bless in a special way all who have said yes to the call to be shepherds. May others come to say yes also.
Have a blessed week.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon.