Dear Sisters and Brothers,
“Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.”
Our baptism empowers us and gives us the grace to “Put out into the deep” so that we may catch women and men for the Kingdom of God. Yes, as disciples, Jesus teaches us and then sends us out to draw others into his kingdom. To me, the miracle that Jesus performed in Mark’s gospel for today, is getting the disciples to put out into deep water. However, because he told them to do so, they did, and the rest is history.
When we come to Mass, Jesus teaches us in the Word. He then feeds us and tells us “Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.” That is the meaning of the words at the end of Mass. “The Mass is ended go in Peace…” we are to go and fish into the deep of our daily living, Today let’s say to Jesus, using the words of Isaiah in today’s first reading “Here am I send me.” But hear him telling you now and at the end of Mass, “Put out into the deep and pay out your nets for a catch.” Will you?
Fr. Clement Paul,
Parish Priest.