The month of May is here. There are some important matters that I bring to your attention and plead with you for your participation. With the theme of Stewardship and Family for our Diocese this year and May being Child Month, both Stewardship and Family teams have agreed that the Month be dedicated to Stewardship and Family and Child Month. To help with this, there will be daily meditations on the themes on the internet. We are also appealing to you to commit to praying the Rosary and family prayer regularly, if not daily. Doing so with family members will, I am certain, bring blessing.
Next, let us remember the Child in a special way throughout the month. Pray in earnest for those who are preparing for and writing the Eleven-plus Examination, as we pray for all our children and those writing other examinations
May is also the month of Mary, the Mother of Our Savior Jesus. To celebrate this Marion Month there will be a Diocesan Pilgrimage to all our Parish Churches, beginning at the Cathedral. Coaches have been rented for the journey and will cost $20.00 per person. Please register if you are travelling by the coach or donate $5.00 if you are using your own transportation. But please make every effort participate in the Pilgrimage.
May God Bless you as together we honor Mary our Mother, treasure the Child and thank God for our Family.
Fr. Clement Paul
Parish Priest