Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Thanks and blessings to all mothers on this Mother’s Day. Mother, you are not just precious, but after Jesus, you embody what love is. In the Old Testament when God speaks of the depth of his love, he refers to the love of a mother for her child. And his Son Jesus when he is grieved to see his love being rejected says “Jerusalem, Jerusalem how I long to gather you as a (mother) hen gathers her chicks.” So, mother take a bow. Accept our gratitude for saying yes to being a mother. Thanks for the precious gift of a mother’s love that you give us.
Now, to the message for today. Jesus is speaking to us today as he spoke to his disciples then. He is telling us not to be so troubled that we allow panic to take over and we lose faith. That is why he said to them and says to us, “Trust in God still and trust in me”
Like the disciples then, we do not know where what is happening is leading. We want to trust him but we want to know where the Father and the Son is in all this. So, I think it’s alright for us to say “Lord we do not know where you are going in this so how can we know the way to you.”
Yes, there is no harm in asking “How can we know the way?” He will answer, “I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the way out of this pandemic to a better life. I am the truth that this pandemic will not conquer and I am the life that will rise out of this evil death trap that can only kill the body but not the soul. Just trust me still.”
Have a blessed week.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon.