Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Today we are challenged to be Christians who live by what we believe and hold dear. And what is that? That we stand by our rejection of wrong and our affirmation and practice of what are true and just. We are being asked by Jesus to say ‘No’ when we mean No and ‘Yes’ when we mean Yes.
Today, more than ever, we are being called upon to be people who are steadfast in our resolve to promote honesty and right living. We live in a society where what has been tried and proved ethical over the years is now being corroded by shifting values. The ‘Yes’ our elders said to goodness and right living has now been corroded or is becoming obsolete. Values like modesty, prudence and sacrifice are being treated with a subtle but resounding ‘No’. And things that our fore-parents abhorred, or at least said ‘No’ to, even if and when they gave way, are even now being demanded.
In the Gospel of Matthew for today, Jesus urges us to be faithful and confident in our ‘No’ to what is false and ‘Yes’ to what is true.
Let’s say ‘Yes’ to Jesus and stay with our ‘Yes’ even when the crowds say contrary.
Fr. Clement Paul. Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest. Parish Deacon.