Dear Brothers & Sisters,
“Now as he blessed them, he withdrew from them and was carried up to heaven.”
Today we rejoice that our Savior Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and takes his place in glory. We rejoice because he is in heaven in his risen human state. In other words, Jesus, by becoming human, now reigns both as Lord and Saviour. In that light we can joyfully a claim that the dignity of the human person has been restored in Christ in such a way that we are already glorified in paradise.
We have to remember that, in the Scriptures, “Christ is the head of Body, the Church and we are the members of the body. Where he, the head is gone there we hope to follow. He has gone to heaven. He ascended into heaven.” If our head is in heaven, his members are there too and will one day follow. That’s cause for rejoicing.
Let us rejoice that our Savior has ascended into glory.
Fr Clement Paul,
Parish Priest.