Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Today, Sunday 14th June, our Diocese of Bridgetown celebrates the solemnity of the Body of Christ. "...for on the night he was betrayed, he took bread, broke it and gave it to his disciples saying, ‘This is my Body.’” Since that night, the Corpus Christi has occupied a profound presence in the Christian Community.
Yes, whenever Mass is celebrated or the Corpus Christi venerated the promise of eternal life is repeated by Jesus. “But anyone who eats this Bread will have eternal life.” (John 6:58). So, the Corpus Christi, in addition to being the Real Presence of Jesus, is also a promise of the future glory of life eternal to all who eat Him.
The Corpus Christi is therefore, that pledge of the Lord Jesus and is a solemn call of Christ to us to eat his Corpus Christi so that we may live forever
Please pray with me this prayer of our Church.
O sacred food in which Christ is received, the memory of his passion is renewed,
the soul is filled with grace and the pledge of future glory is given to us.
Grant us we beseech Thee so to venerate the sacred mystery of your Body and Blood that we may ever feel within us the fruits of our redemption, who live and reign, God forever and ever.
What a blessed way to open our church doors once more, so that we can celebrate, venerate and receive the Corpus Christi! May we all one day come into that place that Jesus has gone ahead of us to prepare for us to join him in glory everlasting. In the meantime, we thank him for his Corpus Christi.
A Blessed Corpus Christi everyone.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon.