“What must we do?" Was asked by the people who heard and listened to John the Baptist preaching about the Savior, the Messiah. They responded to his message to prepare a way for Lord, making his paths straight. "What must we do?" they asked. In other words, they were saying you have convinced us that our salvation is near, and we must prepare for it. But how are we to prepare?
We have been through the liturgical year and have heard and listened to the Word of God. We’ve been through the cycle that prepared us for the Coming of Jesus at Advent, His birth, Baptism, temptation in the desert, ministry and suffering and death and his resurrection. And we are now into a new cycle. This therefore is a time for us to ask “What must we do?
Pope Francis has asked us to evangelize. That is to proclaim the Good News. Our Diocese is calling on us to evangelize by being Good News to the Poor. That is easier said than done, but who said it will be easy?
On this third Sunday of Advent therefore, let us all commit to do what the Lord asks of us when we ask, “What must we do?”
May God bless you.
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.