Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Yes, it is Easter, ALLELUIA! What a strange time to celebrate life when fear and sickness and death stalks our nation, region and world. And yet, although our churches have been closed by Governments because of COVID 19 ‘s onward march, our Christian Churches can continue to sing, ALLELUIA! Why? Jesus who suffered, died and rose again is going before us into our Galilee.
Yes, sisters and brothers, Jesus is risen, risen from the dead so that neither death nor life can separate us from the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus our Risen Saviour. To those on the frontline, to those with relatives who are in quarantine, to those who are victims, to those whose loved ones are sick otherwise or even dying, I bring the good news that Jesus is risen and is going before you into Galilee.
Oh yes, he is risen indeed and is going, not has gone, but is going before us into our Galilee. And what is our Galilee? Our locked-down country, region and world. And why is he going there? To be with us as we do battle against COVID 19 with the firm conviction that because he (Jesus) lives, we will live. So, let us join our voices with the Church and sing ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!
A blessed and happy Easter everyone.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon.