The feast is not to worship Mary but to worship her Son Jesus and to celebrate her blessedness in saying yes to God when she was told by the Angel Gabriel that God wanted her to mother his Son. We express our gratitude to her, because we are told in Luke's Gospel that she glorified God and said in a loud voice "From this time forward all generations will call me blessed." she said yes, gave birth to him and laid him in a manger.
This weekend we are also saying thanks to God for those from our parish, past and present who like Mary said yes to God and through their Time, Talent and Treasure have given birth to Jesus in their art, music, songs, floral and decorative ministry, reading, altar serving, caring for the sick and needy, visiting the shut-ins, teaching the faith and reading, accounting, ministering to the youth maintains the church, reaching out to families in crisis and being a presence, a prayer presence in St. John and beyond. Yes, this is a Harvest with a difference. It's celebrating Our Lady's gift of her Son and our Parishioners gifts of their Time, Talent and Treasure.
We welcome all those who are celebrating with us over the three days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. May God bless you as you worship with us, feast with us and celebrate Mass with us on Sunday, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Let us to heather fulfil our Lady's prophecy in what is called the Magnificat. Let us together say. BLESSED ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN AND BLESSED IS THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB, JESUS.
Blessings and enjoyment.
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.