Greetings and prayers for special blessings and graces on our Patronal Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
As your Parish Priest, I thank God for the privilege He has afforded me to minister to all of you. I am confident that Jesus and his Mother are pleased with the efforts you make to live the faith you have. I think of the contributions you make to building the community that is ours and thank God for you: Our Parish Pastoral Council, our Reading Program, SVP, Legion of Mary Presidium, Liturgical Team Catechists, Hospitality Team, Sacristan and floral team and those others who respond so generously to our appeals for help. All this makes our Parish the family it continues to be.
May Our Lady of the Rosary intercede for us, that we will continue to be Parishioners who confidently say ‘yes’ to being Baptized and sent - Sent to proclaim the Word.
We welcome all those who are celebrating with us throughout the weekend. May God bless you as you worship with us, feast with us and celebrate with us.
Fr. Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.