Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Beginning today Palm Sunday, we represent the passion, death and burial of the very author of life, our friend and brother, Jesus. This week, we are being invited by the Church to recall the events, of the Paschal Mystery. “He suffered, died and was buried. On the Third Day he rose again from the dead.” However, we are not called to be spectators but participators. We are being invited to do so by actually living our own moments of passion and our own Calvary. In other words, Palm Sunday should be more than a recalling of Jesus’ solemn entry into Jerusalem, it should also be our own procession to our Jerusalem and our own passion and dying.
On Holy Thursday let us place ourselves at the Last Supper with Jesus and the Twelve, and let him wash our feet. Let him feed us with his Body and Blood. On Good Friday, let us not stand at the foot of the Cross or “some distance away”. Let us be on our cross with him and pray with the “thief”, “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom...”
Yes, he suffered – past tense; we suffer and are dying – present tense. In other words, let’s participate in the events of Holy Week by placing ourselves in the very experiences of those awful, awesome events we call the Paschal Mystery.
May this be truly a Holy Week for you as you take the time to represent the suffering and dying of Jesus.
Father Clement Paul.
Parish Priest.