Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Today we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan by John the Baptist. But why does Jesus, who knew no sin, have to be baptized?” some may ask. To answer that question, we need to recall the events are recounting and reliving, the birthday of Jesus, the visit of the Shepherds and the Maji, the flight into Egypt and now, the Baptism. All these say, and are saying, that Jesus was born as a fully human being so that we may be divine again.
Since he is fully human and human beings need to be baptized so that they could experience the peace and joy of the Kingdom of heaven, Jesus, in his humanity, needs to be baptized. In fact, since he assumed our human nature for all humanity, in and through the blessed Virgin Mary, his baptism makes it possible for us, through our baptism, to share in his divinity. So, today’s celebration is really a celebration of the baptism of human beings.
Let us renew our own baptism and strive to live up to our Christian calling through the baptism of Jesus and our own individual baptism. Do you know the date of your baptism and do you celebrate it?
Fr. Clement Paul. Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest. Parish Deacon.