Dear Sisters and Brothers,
“… my favor rests on you.” These words addressed to Jesus at his baptism while he was at prayer, are really meant for everyone who receives baptism. In fact, they are addressed to all God’s people. Why then does Luke record them as addressed to Jesus? Didn’t Jesus know that he was in fact the Son of God, the Beloved and that God’s favor rest on him? Yes, he did, since he “came from God”. But now that he is in the flesh, they are addressed to him in his humanity, so that we may hear and know what our dignity is.
Jesus’ baptism therefore is an affirmation and confirmation that every human being is a daughter or Son of God, and that God’s favor rests on her/him. Seen in that light our own baptism is a celebration of a relationship with our God made possible in and trough Jesus Christ. Therefore, when we are baptized, we are receiving tangibly what was ours notionally.
Today therefore, let us celebrate our personal baptism as we recall that Jesus’ baptism made it possible for all of us Christians to become daughters and sons of God whose favor rests on us.
It will do well to find out when your date of Baptism is and celebrate it the Sunday nearest to the date.
Fr. Clement Paul,
Parish Priest.