On Sunday coming, 27th September, our Parish will celebrate the last Sunday of Bible Month by displaying T-Shirts that carry Bible verses. Please decorate your shirt with a verse and come & celebrate with us!
Also on the 27th September, three of our young people, Keanna Howell, Ryle Crichlow, and his brother Riquelme Crichlow will be presented to the congregation as candidates for Confirmation. They will be confirmed on Sunday 4th October at 6:00pm at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Let’s pray God’s special blessing on them and on the nineteen others from St. Patrick’s who will also be confirmed.
Our Reading Program which is geared to socialize some of the young people in the vicinity of the church while helping them with their education, has reopened. We hope that this program will continue to grow and support the children on their educational and spiritual journeys.
There was a special treat for our seniors when SIA (Seniors In Action) met again on Wednesday. A massage session was provided by a professional masseur from Sacred Heart. The experience was relished by everyone.
Our numbers at Mass continue to increase slowly. Thanks to those of you who participate. A reminder to those who feel too vulnerable, while we understand, we still miss you.
A short while ago, many of you would have received seedlings to help you participate in the Season of Creation through caring for, and nurturing of, those plants. How are the plants growing?
If you would like additional plants, some seedlings and potted plants will be available this weekend for a small donation which goes to the church.
May God bless you.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon