This Sunday, we will celebrate Children’s Mass and we are inviting you all to come out with your families and celebrate with us.
We continue to observe Bible Month by celebrating the Liturgy of the Word with the Bible being highlighted. We also continue to participate in the Season of Creation by potting and caring for the seedlings some of us have. Additional seedlings and plants, kindly supplied by Julie Landis, are available after Mass for a small donation to the church.
Two more of our young parishioners are joining those who are furthering their studies overseas. Brandon Sambrano left for England on Wednesday 16th September and Maya Joseph will be leaving tomorrow, Sunday 20th for Ireland. We ask that you continue to pray for all of our students overseas and locally: Sydney & Summer Hassell, Justin & Brandon Sambrano, Joshua Alkins, Mark Ramsay, Nicholas Landis, Naomi Adams, Daniella Corbin, Jana & Maya Joseph and Josiah Drakes.
Seniors In Action (SIA) met on Wednesday, 16th September and we were happy to have a new person join the group and participate in the religious and social activities provided for the elderly in our community.
Our Parish Pastoral Council also met on Wednesday, 16th September. There, we made further plans to promote the Biblical T-shirt drive. The Bible Team, led by Ian Graham, invite you to promote Bible Month through producing and exhibiting T-shirts with printed Bible texts on Sunday, 27th September. Further details will be posted this weekend and we invite everyone to participate.
Three of our young people will be Confirmed with twenty others at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday, 4th October at 6:00pm. They are: Keanna Howell, Ryle Crichlow and Riquelmae Crichlow. Your prayers are requested. Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon has given special permission to Fr. Andy and myself so that we can confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on those who are ready.
We pray for God’s blessing on our students and all who are involved in education as a new academic year begins. Please give the names of all our students to Rev. Stephen or email them to [email protected]. They will be prayed for at Mass once a month.
Remember to read the Bible regularly. Each Bible Month Bulletin contains a short Bible verse which you can use to guide your Bible reading and reflection. Also remember to take time out to celebrate the Season of Creation by quietly listening to the sounds of creation.
Fr. Clement Paul Rev. Stephen Joseph
Parish Priest Parish Deacon